Give a fuck. By not giving a fuck!
Do you feel like the world we live in could be doing more to help people who need it? I know I do. Do you lose your temper easy at things that other people cannot really understand? Do you get tired of mundane conversations and every day expectations and want to scream? Would you like to join a group of crazy people who agree they can say whatever the hell they want to and be met with a laughing, happy, fuck you but hey let's talk anyway attitude?
Join us here
"The freedom to swear and not be judged for it has saved my life" - Archbishop Frank Williams (AKA "Anonymous?")
The Unexpected Benefit
We also get the opportunity to understand other points of view once we get past it. I have found that my previous knee jerk reactions are usually 100% wrong. We can have different opinions and make the BEST friends with the some amazing people!!
"I didn't expect that said an Australian" - An Australian
CALM DOWN ALREADY! (oh we love being told that!?)
Our goal is not to persuade anyone to change. Our goal is to expand our minds and slowly expose ourselves to triggers that usually throw us into a rage; that we usually just hold in.
The Power of Swearing is more powerful than you can think!! Plus we laugh harder every day! I am working hard to get content on here that helps folks in any way my crazy mind can!!
How Minds Change is dedicated to new philosophies, poetry, music, and any form of media that is intended to provide new perspectives.
Looking for mutually beneficial relationships that just so happen to help our cause. Thank you for reading.